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curriculum vitae

Dr. Labrecque has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles on topics related to institutional and community corrections. His work has appeared in journals that include Justice Quarterly; Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Criminal Justice and Behavior; and Crime and Delinquency. He has also published more than 30 book chapters and technical reports, and presented more than 50 papers at various regional, national, and international academic and practitioner conferences.

Dr. Labrecque received a 2017 New Investigator Award from the National Institute of Justice, and he was a Co-Principal Investigator on an Encouraging Innovation Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, an Analysis of Existing Data Grant from the National Institute of Justice, and a private grant funded by the Charles Koch Foundation. Ryan was also awarded a 2014 Graduate Research Fellowship Grant from the National Institute of Justice, and he was the 2013 recipient of the American Society of Criminology, Division of Corrections and Sentencing, student paper award, and the 2020 recipient of the William L. Simon/Routledge Outstanding Paper Award from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. 

Ryan has been awarded several student research scholarship grants from the University of Cincinnati and faculty enhancement grants from Portland State University. He has also received specialized training in several psychometric assessments, treatment models, and advanced statistical techniques. Ryan has experience teaching a variety of criminal justice classes.

Click here for Ryan's full curriculum vitae.

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