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Review and Revalidation of the First Step Act Risk Assessment Tool

Funded by the National Institute of Justice

Role: Contractor with Rhys Hester

Staff Training Aimed at Reducing Rearrest (STARR) Curriculum: Measuring and Tracking Fidelity and Quality

Funded by the United States Probation Office for the Middle District of Florida ($35,000)

Role: Co-Principal Investigator with Jill Viglione

Evaluation of a Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Inmates in Administrative Segregation

Funded by a Bureau of Justice Assistance FY16 Encouraging Innovation: Field Initiated Programs Grant (Award #2016-AJ-BX-K048) for $461,900 

Role: Co-Principal Investigator with Paula Smith

Preparing High-Risk Inmates for Successful Reentry: Development and Evaluation of a Restrictive Housing Step Down Program in Oregon

Funded by a Charles Koch Foundation Grant for $127,000

Role: Co-Principal Investigator with David Pyrooz and Burt Useem​


Evaluation of the Staff Training Aimed at Reducing Rearrest (STARR) Curriculum in the Middle District of Florida

Funded by the United States Probation Office for the Middle District of Florida 

Role: Contractor (Principal Investigator, Jill Viglione)

Examining Justice Reinvestment in Oregon: Isolating Effects of Pretrial Detention on Prison Sentences

Funded by the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission ($10,000) 

Role: Co-Principal Investigator with Christopher Campbell

The Creation and Validation of the Oregon Public Safety Checklist-Revised (PSC-R)

Funded by the Oregon Department of Corrections ($35,000) 

Role: Co-Principal Investigator with Kris Henning

Interpersonal Violence and Institutional Misconduct in Jails: An Empirical Investigation of Adverse Events in the Los Angeles County Jail System

Funded by a National Institute of Justice FY17 New Investigator/Early Career Program in the Social and Behavioral Sciences and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Grant (Award #2017-IJ-CX-0037) for $184,636

Role: Principal Investigator

Panacea or Poison: Can Propensity Score Modeling (PSM) Methods Replicate the Results from Randomized Control Trials (RCTs)?

Funded by a National Institute of Justice FY16 Funding for Analysis of Existing Data Grant (Award #2016-R2-CX-0030) for $39,972 

Role: Co-Principal Investigator with Christopher Campbell

Evaluation of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Security Housing Unit (SHU) Step Down Program (SDP)

Funded by a Portland State University FY16 Faculty Enhancement Grant for $15,000

Role: Principal Investigator 

Implementation and Evaluation of Case Management and Evidence-Based Community Supervision Practices

Funded by an Indiana Judicial Center FY15 Grant for $500,000

Role: Research Consultant (Paula Smith, Principal Investigator)

Reducing Prison Misconduct with Evidence-Based Administrative Segregation Policies

Funded by a National Institute of Justice FY14 Graduate Research Fellowship in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Grant (Award #2014-IJ-CX-0003) for $32,000

Role: Principal Investigator

Development of a Schedule of Progressive Incentives and Sanctions

Funded by an Indiana Judicial Center FY14 Grant for $70,000

Role: Project Director (Paula Smith, Principal Investigator)

Targeted RECLAIM: University of Cincinnati Outcome Study

Funded by an Ohio Department of Youth Services Training and Research FY11 Contract for $536,500

Role: Research Assistant (Edward Latessa and Paula Smith, Principal Investigators)

Evaluation of the Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) Model in Ohio

Funded by an Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services FY10 Grant for $105,421

Role: Research Assistant (Edward Latessa and Paula Smith, Principal Investigators) 


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